
At sunset on the fourteenth day of the month of Abib (Nisan) according to the Samaritan calendar, the Feast of Passover occurs on Mount Gerizim, where the Samaritans celebrate the rituals commemorating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of the Prophet Moses and their liberation from the bondage of Pharaoh and his slaves.

On the night of Passover and the following seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins on the fifteenth day of this month, Samaritans renew their covenant and loyalty to the Almighty, celebrating the values of freedom and independence enjoyed by their ancestors.

These blessed days hold a special sanctity for the Samaritan community, where they annually share in all the established rituals and traditions, sacrificing offerings, performing prayers and religious rites, and celebrating the festival to the tune of Samaritan melodies.

During the holiday, Samaritans feel a sense of social harmony and closeness, as relatives and friends gather, young and old, men and women, children, to celebrate in an atmosphere filled with love, tolerance, and solidarity. Their voices echo with chants and praises in all their melodies, prayers of thanks to the one and only God are heard, as they exchange visits and congratulatory expressions, spreading joy without fatigue or boredom.

On this holiday, the story of Passover remains alive in the hearts of Samaritans, fragrant in the memory of successive generations with the meanings of freedom achieved by our fathers and ancestors. It is also an opportunity to take a breath from the weight of life and days, nourishing the souls of Samaritan community members, instilling in them a spirit of sacrifice, hope, and boosting their morale.

On this blessed occasion, I can only extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Samaritan community, the Palestinian people, and the world at large on the occasion of Passover, praying that it may be repeated for us all with goodness, blessings, and prosperity.